Perturbation files (in NetCDF format):
The surface momentum flux perturbation (zonal wind stress, N/m2) is given in three diemnsions (longitude, latitude, time). The time dimension has size 12, for months from January to December, although the perturbation is constant in time without seasonal variation. The perturbation is gridded onto a 1°x1° degree horizontal grid, which should be interpolated to each participating model’s grid.
The NetCDF file of wind stress perturbation in N/m2 is HERE
For the freshwater perturbation, we leave the details up to the modeling center as long as the total forcing is 0.1 Sv. In tests done with GFDL ESM2M, as well as in the publications listed below, the forcing is applied across 3 grid boxes (or 3° latitude) away from the Antarctic coast around the entire continent.
Variables archived:
No changes to the standard CMIP set of diagnostics or CF, CMOR or ESG archived data sets are required. The analysis of the circulation, the stratification, and the heat and carbon uptake will use the same variables required by the CMIP6/OMIP standards.
thetao - Temperature
so - Salinity
dissic - Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
no3 - Dissolved nitrate
o2 - Dissolved oxygen
pH - pH
uo - Sonal velocity
vo - Meridional velocity
wo - Upward velocity
agessc - Age since last surface contact
hfds - Downward heat flux at the surface
rsds - Downward shortwave radiation at the surface
rsus - Upward shortwave radiation at the surface
rlds - Downward longwave radiation at the surface
rlus - Upward longwave radiation at the surface
pr - Precipitation rate
evspsbl - Evaporation rate
tauuo, tauvo - Zonal and meridional wind stress
fgco2, fgo2 - Flux of CO2 and O2 through the ocean surface